Lynton and Lynmouth are twin villages on the North Coast of Devon at the North of Exmoor. Lynton is on top of the cliff while Lynmouth is 700 feet below at the mouth of the East and West Lyn rivers. They are connected by a Cliffside almost vertical railway / cable car that uses water as its ballast as one car goes up and one goes down.

Lynton is a small village with a town hall part donated by Sir George Newnes who published the Sherlock Holmes stories in the 19th Century and was a frequent visitor. He also helped finance the cliff railway. Lynton also has a small museum, the Lyn and Exmoor museum which is based in an 18th Century cottage. The Museum depicts the life and times of the local community and other interesting items.
Lynmouth is a picturesque village and small traditional seaside resort with a small harbour and beach. The village attracts a large number of visitors with its tea shops and a traditional thatched pub. Unfortunately it was also the scene of a disaster in 1952 when the village and harbour were devastated by a flash flood that killed 34 people. This event is remembered in an exhibition in the town centre.

A mile west of Lynton is the Valley of the Rocks which is a dry valley formed during the ice age that has some remarkable jagged stone formations with names such as The Devil’s Chessewring, Ragged Jack and Castle Rocks.
Lynton and Lynmouth are so picturesque, that even the cottage hospital is worth viewing.