Welcome to the Devon Holiday Cottages / Self Catering pages where you can browse a large number of Cottages and other Self Catering Properties. These properties include traditional farm cottages, converted Manor houses and some luxury modern apartments.
- You can use the links on the right to browse the cottages and apartments in particular areas and we have highlighted the locations where we have a large selection. As the cottages are from a number of agents, the areas can sometimes overlap. For instance a cottage located between Kingsbridge and Salcombe, may be described by one company as the first and the other using the latter.
- Initial Guide Prices are usually low season prices per week. Click the Booking Website button to check for Availability and accurate prices.
- Although most booking websites do not have a booking fee, some do
- To only see the properties by the maximum number that they sleep, type the number e.g. 4 into the Sleeps box. However not all of the booking agencies have supplied us with the information.
- The number of cottages can change from month to month, so occasionally one of our smaller categories may become empty
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The majority of properties can be booked instantly online through established, reputable booking agencies with secure websites and by checking the Booking Website link you will also get more information or pictures.
There is also a large selection of holiday cottages in Cornwall on Cornwall.com and Dorset on Dorset.net